documenting december

With Nick on deployment and Thanksgiving swiftly approaching, I've been thinking a lot about ways to document our holiday season. And if you follow me on Pinterest, you've likely noticed some frenzied holiday pinning! In our home, this really is the most wonderful time of the year.

One of the projects I'm taking on is a holiday mini-album, or December Daily. I first heard of this last year via Ali Edwards, but variations on the theme have been cropping up all over the blogosphere.

via Ali Edwards

So... what is a December Daily?

I define it as a mini-album incorporating photos, journaling, scrapbooking (both traditional and hybrid) that documents the holiday season. There are so many ways to approach this project.

My goal, first and foremost, is to capture moments that define our holiday experience, particularly in light of my husband spending the season on an aircraft carrier this year. I want to be able to share these memories with him in a thoughtful, cohesive way that also preserves the season for years to come.

via Trisha Harrison

I'm planning to use the same recycled chipboard binder I'm using for Nick's deployment mini-album (you can read more about the mini-album project HERE). My intention is to enjoy the December pages for awhile and then send them to my husband. He can insert them into his binder, which he already has out on the ship, and enjoy reliving the holiday season.

Have you ever done anything specific to document your holiday season?