Refined photo books, elevated albums, modern heirlooms

 introducing the

Family Archive Start Guide

A 52-page downloadable workbook to organize your memories into simple projects.


I’m a busy mom of two and a military spouse. I know the feeling of life moving faster than you can keep up. I craved a simple solution for our photos - so I created it.

This is a comprehensive plan to get your memories off of your phone and into your hands.

This is the system I wish I had when I started documenting our family’s memories.



The Family Archive Start Guide is designed for you if

  • You’re overwhelmed by many years’ worth of memories.

  • You aren’t sure what to do with thousands of photos you have on multiple devices.

  • You started some memory-keeping projects over the years, but never found a way to “get caught up.”

  • You’re a seasoned memory-keeper but don’t have a comprehensive plan for how your projects fit together.

  • You haven’t done anything with your photos (and there are lots of them!) and you have no idea where to start.

  • You feel so far behind that you’re not sure you’ll ever get this done.


If you feel so far behind and short on time, then you’re in the right place.


“It’s simply stunning. The guide is so pleasing to the eye that it was a joy to read.

I love how you give us permission to not document everything.

I think overwhelm is the single biggest hurdle. I wanted to start jotting down all my past memories that I want to document!”


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A few years ago, I too found myself busy, overwhelmed, and “behind” on our memories.

I couldn’t keep up.

It prompted me to think about them in a new and different way. Rather than focusing on individual projects or little bits of memory, I started to think bigger picture.

Nowadays, I know when to pull out my phone and when to put it away and relax.

I no longer struggle with overwhelm. I never feel “behind” even though I’m not totally “caught up.”

I needed a comprehensive system for my memories, not just a list of project ideas or how-to’s. So, in this system, you won’t find tutorials or requirements for specific methods.

This isn’t a one-size-fits-all list of projects.

It’s a customizable process you can make your own.



Here’s what you’ll get.


4-part framework

A 52-page PDF guide you can print or read on your computer or tablet containing my simple, 4-part framework to transform a mountain of memories into a series of project plans.

Project ideas

Countless examples you can modify to meet the needs of your own memories - whether you’re new to memory-keeping, decades “behind,” or a seasoned memory-keeper.

Actionable worksheets

Six worksheets to help you break down years’ worth of memories, inventory your materials, brainstorm ideas, and make plans for your projects.


 Plus, you’ll get all of my personal project plans.

I’ll give you a peek behind the curtain as I share the rationale, details, and plans for my family’s memories.

I hope our family’s plans will give you some ideas and get you inspired to document your own family’s memories!


Do you prefer audio?

If you prefer to listen rather than read, then download the 80-minute audio guide, pop in your headphones, and let me walk you through this guide from start to finish.


The Family Archive system helps you overcome overwhelm with a framework to organize your memories into simple, meaningful projects.



for the 52-page system + the 80-minute audio guide


I’ve designed this simple system to give you…

Peace of mind

when it comes to your memories through a framework that helps you document what matters most.


for your photos, videos, and memorabilia, so you don’t have to wonder ‘what do I do with this?’

A path

to develop customized project plans for your memories, which you can take action on whenever you’re ready.

 “To say I’m overwhelmed with my memories is an understatement. I have tens of thousands of photos on my computer that I long to hold in my hands. As soon as I started reading the Family Archive Start Guide I felt lighter.

By the end, I had a clear set of plans. I now know exactly where to start. What a relief!

Courtney S. / Photographer + MOM OF THREE


Above all else, the Family Archive Start Guide will give you relief.

  • Relief from overwhelm you feel about years’ worth of memories on your devices.

  • Relief from stress associated with not having memories accessible.

  • Relief from guilt when making tough decisions about what to keep, save, and let go.


Wading through years’ worth of memories isn’t easy, but by the time you finish working through this system you’ll…

  • Have a list of projects you can work through at your own pace.

  • Confidently know which photos, videos, and memorabilia to save.

  • Have a plan for what to do with those photos, videos, and memories once you have them.

  • Never again wonder what to do with kids’ artwork, birthday cards, or other memorabilia.

Develop a simple plan for your memories that works for your family, your budget, your interests, and your priorities.


Here’s the thing.

I want you to be excited about this system!

If for whatever reason, you’re not, send me an email at within 30 days of purchase. I’ll send you a refund, no questions asked.

Your memories matter enough to document them.

I hope you’ll let me help you transform the memories on your devices and in storage into a beautiful archive of family memories.