simple + inexpensive artwork

Ben's "big boy room" has been a bit of a work-in-progress over the last month. We moved him into his toddler bed two weeks ago on a night when he was running a fever and crying in the hallway pointing to the nursery saying "Ben's room other way."

Wow. That was painful. But we had to do it, as I'm due with baby number two in about four weeks.

I haven't been super inspired by this room, but the other day I pulled out some of my favorite papers from the Project Life Midnight Edition and found some inspiration. I already had an Ikea Ribba frame with an 11.5 inch square mat.

I went with the white-on-black handwritten design from the kit, taped it to the back of the mat, and that was it. No cutting, no paint, no glue, and the whole thing cost me under $1.00 since I re-used a frame.

Scrapbooking papers have come such a long way. There are beautiful, colorful, modern designs available everywhere. And there's no need to purchase a whole kit. Just wander the paper aisle at Michael's, pick a single page, and pop it into a frame. Easy breezy.

And if you're lucky, you'll get some toddler assistance with your selection.

Sources: Project Life Midnight Edition papers available HERE / Ikea Ribba frame can be found HERE / Rug is from Target / 3 Sprouts canvas toy bin available HERE

Dresser is vintage (and in need of a little repair!)